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Level 1, 2, 3, & 4 Soil Testing

Level 1 -  A reconnaissance study of a tract or parcel of land.  Developers use Level 1 studies to obtain a general understanding of the soils before making decisions to purchase.


Level 2 - This study produces a soil map showing the different soil types on a particular piece of property with slopes breaks and drainage areas.  Level 2 studies help developers determine if they can gain the yield needed from a tract of land.  Many times, Level 2 studies are added to become Level 3 Soil Studies.


Level 3 - Level 3 Soil Tests are Septic Tank Permittable and are required by your Local County Environmental Health Department.  Septic permits can be obtained by a Level 3 Soil Analysis. For more information on Level 3 soil tests click here.


Level 4  - Hi-Intensity Level-4 Testing is needed when properties are small in size, have seasonal high water table issues, shallow rock profiles, or an assortment of these problems combined.  

Level 1, 2, 3, & 4 Soil Testing
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